
Conflict of Interest Policy

The purpose of the policy, is to confirm our commitment to protect the integrity of the Approved Training Centre and by proxy the assessment decisions.  We will protect centre staff by minimising the possible conflicts of interest.

The scope of the policy, ensure the policy applies to centre staff, Tutors, Assessors, IQA’s and to protect the learners and Awarding Body so the interests and integrity for all involved are respectfully managed.

The definition of conflict of interest; a situation in which a person is in a position to derive personal benefit from actions or decisions made in their official capacity.

It is not possible to provide a definitive list of examples of conflicts of interest that could compromise the integrity of the Safety Training Awards assessments and qualifications. However, the following situations could lead to perceived or actual conflicts of interest:

  • Personal relationships with family members or friends linked to the Awarding Body and/or centre personnel and/or learners that could influence decision making and qualification outcomes

  • Business or commercial interests linked to the Awarding Body and/or a ATC that may affect professional judgement

  • Mutually beneficial arrangements with ATC and the Awarding Body personnel which may compromise an individual’s ability to make reliable and professional judgements

  • Where favourable arrangements have been negotiated, for example supplying information to certain individuals and/or groups who are preparing for or carrying out an assessment

  • A person connected with the Awarding Body or ATC who are engaging in some capacity or have a material financial interest in a business or enterprise that compete with the Awarding Body

  • An ATC has an interest in any activity which has the potential to lead it to act contrary to its interests in the development, delivery and award of qualifications in accordance with the conditions of the centre

  • A situation that may create the appearance of a conflict or present a conflict of interest in connection with a person who has influence over the activities or finances of the Awarding Body

Please note this list is not exhaustive.

The existence of such interests, as those above does not necessarily imply conflict, but is likely to give an appearance of conflict and as such should be declared to the Awarding Body.

Wherever possible all conflicts of interest must be removed by the ATC.  Where this is not possible then this should be managed appropriately to minimise the risk to learner performance.  Any such risks will be reported to the Awarding Body and advice sought to reduce the risk and eliminate any adverse effect on the learner’s performance.

The Lead IQA will manage any such process, then inform and liaise with Awarding Body for transparency.