
General Safety Rules

  • Supervision of children: A responsible adult 16+ years old may bring two children under the age of 8 but only one can be under the age of 5. The adult must be in the water with the children at all times.

  • Entry to the pool by the steps. 

  • Wetsuits, snorkels, masks and fins are not permitted.

  • Babies must wear water-based nappies.
  • No Running: Running on poolside or in wet areas is prohibited to prevent slips and falls.

  • No Diving in Shallow Areas: Diving is only allowed in designated deep-water areas to avoid head and spinal injuries.

  • No Pushing or Rough Play: Pushing, dunking, or engaging in rough play is prohibited to prevent accidents.

  • Shower Before Entering: Swimmers must shower before entering the pool to maintain good water hygiene.

  • No Glass or Sharp Objects: Glass containers, sharp objects, and other dangerous items are not allowed on the poolside to avoid injury and contamination.

  • Lifeguard Instructions: Swimmers must always obey lifeguards and pool staff for their safety and the safety of others.

Hygiene and Health Rules

  • Swimwear: Appropriate swimwear must be worn at all times.

  • No Food or Drink Poolside: Food and drink are not permitted to keep the area clean and avoid contamination.

  • Illness: Individuals with open wounds, infectious diseases or symptoms such as diarrhoea should not enter the pool.

Behavioural Rules

  • Respect for Other Swimmers: Swimmers should be considerate of others, including sharing lanes and not splashing or making excessive noise.

  • No Photography or Filming: Photography and filming are prohibited in pool areas for privacy and safeguarding reasons.

  • Lane Etiquette: Swimmers should follow the lane direction signs and allow faster swimmers to pass.

Use of Pool Facilities

  • Inflatables and Toys: Large inflatables or toys may not be allowed unless permitted explicitly during designated times.

  • Flotation Devices: Only certified flotation devices are allowed.

  • Emergency Procedures

  • Emergency Alarms: If an alarm sounds, swimmers should immediately follow lifeguards' instructions and leave the pool in an orderly manner.

  • Fire exits: swimmers should familiarise themselves with fire exit locations.

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